Monday, November 10, 2008

Deep in the heart of plagiarism

It's been less than 12 hours since I started this blog and I've already encountered my first problem. You see, I started this blog as a lark and it is intended to be whimsical. But it is also intended to be original (or as original as is possible with 30,000,000,000 blogs already out there). So when I was setting up the blog last night I had to come up with a name on the spur of the moment and Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn seemed the right choice given my 32 years here and my family's Texas roots. However, when I googled DITHOB this morning, lo and behold there is already a blog by that name and it is, coincidentally, written by a Dad with a kid going through the NYC High School admissions process. There is probably room in the ether for two blogs with the same name but he thought of it first so he should have sole possession of it. And he can probably spell better. So I will resolve to come up with another name today and will advise both of my loyal readers when I have done so.

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